Strand® HC Ridge Ventilators
Strand® is a high performing roof ventilator system that provides a solution for fire & smoke exhaust for industrial and commercial buildings. This system has been engineered and tested to Australian Standards AS 2428.1 and is designed for all regions of Australia including cyclonic areas. The Strand® Range is used on ridge and slope building roofs, and can be incorporated with customised fire and smoke systems including failsafe operable dampers operated using a variety of pneumatic, electric fire rated control systems linked by a control box to Fire Indicator Panel systems.
Incorporating an effective ventilation solution
The key to effective natural ventilation of a building or structure in having correctly designed, engineered and manufactured ventilation inlets and exhausts located and installed in the most appropriate position the provide the most effective movement of air. Selection of appropriate roof ventilators will ensure that the building has the correct ventilation
Reduce heat temperature internally
A well-constructed and ventilated structure may reduce the accumulation of trapped heat, resulting in more effective temperature management and a more convenient and hygienic workplace.
Condensation and Moisture Removal
Some workplaces emit contaminants that obstruct the free flow of clean air in commercial buildings, industrial warehouses and factories. To eliminate moisture and condensation build-up and replace it with clean and fresh air, a natural ventilation system would be preferable. This also helps to maintain the environment clean for all residents by reducing corrosion in buildings and infrastructure
Using Tested and Engineered Performance Ventilation
When using ventilation for your building solutions, a definable and guaranteed outcome can only be achieved where the products are performance tested and certified. All products must be laboratory tested and certified to AS4740 and AS2428 for rain, wind, fire and coefficient discharge.