Lotus® Roof Ventilators
This hybrid ventilator and fire/smoke vent provides a unique method of enabling inlet natural lighting. The design enables the ventilator to seamlessly integrate within various roof sheeting layouts, as it is designed to precisely fit within an existing roof sheet. The Lotus® Vent provides a downslope design, allowing for design flexibility to be situated anywhere on a roof for immediate exhausting of smoke over hotspots. This system has been fully tested to Australian Standards AS2428 and AS2665.

Choosing a natural smoke and heat exhaust over a mechanical system

Natural Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems have the following benefits over mechanical smoke exhaust systems, these include this system, Doubles as natural ventilation, Weatherproof when naturally ventilating, Not reliant on electrical supply during emergency, Greater area distribution, Low or nil maintenance and lastly have increased capacity with natural external wind effect

Typical Scenario Without Smoke Ventilators

The idea of providing ventilation to a fire may seem strange. Common knowledge indicates that depriving a fire of oxygen (by closing up the building) will extinguish it. This supposition overlooks that fact that virtually any industrial or commercial building contains enough oxygen to burn it to destruction. Firefighters talk firsthand of the huge problems they encounter when fire breaks out in buildings without automatic fire ventilators.

In such a situation the fire travels laterally, often at frightening speed, as it reaches for more oxygen. The resulting thick smoke heat and toxic gases trapped under the roof roll through the building rapidly filling the entire complex and frustrating the efforts of firefighters to enter the building, determine the source of the fire, and begin the fight to save lives and property. As the smoke layer builds and spreads, it heats the building membrane and contents which can cause combustible goods in the building to ignite, contributing to the spread of fire. Often the build-up of poisonous gas and dense black smoke is such a to even thwart the entry of firefighters equipped with sophisticated breathing apparatus. Serious explosions are a significant risk.

The Smoke Ventilation Advantage

In contrast, using the principles of ventilation and containment, a smoke ventilation system will keep smoke above head height and prevent it spreading around the building.
